Thursday, March 25, 2010

18th March- Day trip to Galle

We only planned to stay in Mirissa for one night actually, but seeing as how lovely it really is, we decided to give it one more night. We ventured out to Galle, a town about 40 mins further up from Mirissa. I've read so many things about Galle (being the eager beaver that I am) that I kinda had a slightly more romanticised version of it in my head *rolls eyes*. Galle or as the Sinhalese call it, "Gar-ley", has a heavy dutch influence to it what with being an important dutch port eons ago. It reminded me of Melaka tho (big surprise there?!) and the town is didvided into two parts- the old fort and the new town. No points for guessing which one we favour.

The luxurious Amangalla hotel. They converted an old townhouse into something truly magnificent. We only got as far as the lobby before I felt even more like a dirty backpacker.

Zul made me look short in this shot. I'm blaming the camera.

My puffer fish impersonation

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