Monday, September 27, 2010

Thinking at half past

Everyday comes closer to the moment that I have been anticipating for. Sometimes I feel like I'm ready to go now, though I know patience has its rewards. It's both long and short, this waiting game because in no time at all, time will pass and it'll be over even before I realised that it had even begun. I will still definitely leave, though my plans keep evolving. I know I want and need to be by the ocean, but I'm unsure if it'll ever be enough.
Part of me just wants to disappear and maybe that's the even bigger reason. Sometimes I wonder what do I really want to achieve with venturing into the unknown by myself- "for the lost to get lost", per se.
Maybe achieving is even the wrong word to use, who knows? Though I think the ultimate goal is to be happy. I was never a believer of the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", and I think I read somewhere, someone said that whoever coined it "obviously did not know where to shop" (was it Liz Taylor? I forget)
I'm starting to understand it now. That depending on where you are in your life, that it takes very little to be happy. My mom said that it begins with being thankful for all the blessings that you have, even the smallest ones, like the ability to breathe or see. That ultimately, you are responsible for your own happiness, in any which way you perceive it to be.

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