Sunday, May 30, 2010

Work Trip- Redang

The more time I spend by the ocean, the more I know I should live there.....I'll drive a buggy or something...

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Words, words, words.....I told myself I wouldn't flood this blog with incessant ramblings because I didn't think anyone would pay 2 cents to hear what I'd have to say, but as it turns out, some things just needs to be put out there. If not for anyone else, but for myself-as a record....

It's late here...on the 23rd of May and I can't sleep. Thinking too much about life and what it means...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Redang work trip on the 27th...wait for it..

This is me..

I thought a brief introduction and some change in direction was in order, so here goes..
I am a 28 year old (29 in a few months) male living in the capital of Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur. I have pretty much lived all my life in this country apart from a few years studying in England. I am a writer by profession and have been so, for the past 6 years of my life. Currently, I write for a men’s magazine in which I have my own monthly column to talk about, well, pretty much anything I want. In case you haven’t already noticed, I am also a novice surfer and have decided that I want this to be a major part in my life. So, this blog is pretty much a documentation of my improvements and some of the places I have set foot on, in my journey to becoming a competent longboard surfer. Enjoy.